Dermaplaning in Cypress, TX


Achieve a Flawless, Radiant Complexion

Looking for a way to instantly brighten your complexion, enhance product penetration, and create a flawless canvas for makeup application? Look no further than the best dermaplaning in Cypress, a gentle and quick, yet effective exfoliating treatment offered here at LIT & Aesthetics. This non-invasive procedure removes vellus hair (peach fuzz) and dead skin cells, revealing the radiant, youthful skin beneath.

Cypress Dermaplaning Treatment

What is Dermaplaning?

Dermaplaning is a non-invasive exfoliating treatment that uses a sterile surgical blade to carefully remove the top layer of dead skin and fine vellus hair, commonly known as peach fuzz. The process is gently performed by our trained aestheticians who ensure a safe and comfortable experience for every client. This process removes:

  • Vellus hair (peach fuzz): This fine hair can trap dirt and oil, leading to a dull complexion. Dermaplaning eliminates this fuzz, leaving your skin feeling incredibly smooth.
  • Dead skin cells: The buildup of dead skin cells can make your skin appear uneven and rough. Dermaplaning buffs away these cells, revealing the fresh, radiant skin beneath.

Dermaplaning is a fantastic option for those looking to:

  • Improve skin texture and tone
  • Achieve a brighter complexion
  • Fade Acne Scarring
  • Enhance the effectiveness of their skincare routine
  • Create a flawless makeup canvas
  • Reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
  • Dermaplaning: $125/session
  • Dermaplaning (with Get Lit Facial Massage): $195/session
  • Dermaplaning add-on to any treatment: $50/session

Benefits of Dermaplaning:

  • Instant Glow: Experience a noticeable improvement in skin texture and tone immediately following treatment.Your skin will be left feeling incredibly soft and smooth.
  • Enhanced Skincare Routine: By removing dead skin cells, dermaplaning allows your skincare products to penetrate deeper, maximizing their effectiveness. This means you get the most out of your existing serums, moisturizers, and other topical treatments.
  • Flawless Makeup Application: Dermaplaning creates a smooth, even canvas, making makeup application easier and allowing for a flawless finish. Your makeup will glide on effortlessly and blend seamlessly, without the worry of foundation clinging to rough patches or catching on peach fuzz.
  • Reduced Appearance of Fine Lines & Wrinkles: By promoting cell turnover, dermaplaning can help minimize the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, leaving your skin looking younger. The removal of dead skin cells also helps to reflect light more evenly, diffusing the appearance of wrinkles and imperfections.
  • Improved Product Absorption: Not only does dermaplaning remove dead skin cells, but it also creates micro-channels in the top layer of the skin. These tiny channels can temporarily increase the absorption of skincare products, allowing them to deliver their active ingredients deeper and potentially boosting their effectiveness.
  • Fading Acne Scars: By removing the top layer of skin, dermaplaning can help to smooth out the uneven texture caused by acne scarring. This can make deep acne scars less noticeable and give the skin a more even appearance. 

Dermaplane Treatment at LIT Aesthetics:

Our experienced aestheticians will perform your dermaplaning treatment with the utmost care and precision. Here’s what you can expect:

  1. Consultation: We’ll discuss your skin concerns and expectations to determine if dermaplaning is the right choice for you.
  2. Skin Cleansing: Your skin will be thoroughly cleansed to remove any makeup or oils.
  3. Dermaplaning: Using a sterile surgical blade, the esthetician will gently scrape the surface of your skin, removing dead cells and vellus hair.
  4. Professional Skincare Products: We’ll finish the treatment by applying soothing and hydrating skincare products to nourish your skin.

Upgrade your dermaplaning experience with our Get Lit Facial Massage! This add-on treatment provides a relaxing and rejuvenating massage to further enhance your results.

Dermaplane Services FAQ

Yes, dermaplaning is safe and effective for most skin types, especially those with rough skin textures. It is particularly beneficial for individuals looking to improve their complexion without the use of chemicals, making it a safe option during pregnancy or when other treatments might be contraindicated.

The frequency of dermaplaning treatments can vary based on individual skin types and goals, but generally, treatments are recommended every 3 to 4 weeks. This schedule helps maintain the smooth texture and radiant appearance of the skin by aligning with the natural cell turnover cycle.

No, dermaplaning will not cause your facial hair to grow back thicker or darker. The fine vellus hairs on your face will grow back at the same texture and rate as before the treatment.

A typical dermaplaning session at LIT & Aesthetics includes a thorough cleansing of the skin, followed by the actual dermaplaning process, and concludes with the application of skincare products to nourish and protect the newly exposed skin. The entire process is pain-free and has no downtime, making it a convenient option for those with busy schedules.

Dermaplaning is a low-risk procedure with minimal side effects. Some clients may experience slight redness or feel a tingling sensation immediately after the treatment, but these symptoms usually subside within a few hours. Our expert aestheticians ensure a safe and comfortable experience by following strict protocols.

After dermaplaning, it's important to protect the skin from sun exposure by applying a broad-spectrum sunscreen. We also recommend using gentle, hydrating products as part of your skincare regimen to maximize the benefits of your freshly exfoliated skin.

Ready to Reveal Your Best Skin?​

Book Your Dermaplaning in Cypress, TX Appointment Today or Contact Us for More Information About How Dermaplaning Can Benefit Your Skin!

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On Their First Treatment

New patients receive exclusive discounts on their first service booked at LIT & Aesthetics! Explore our treatment options and schedule your first appointment today. We can’t wait to see you!

$10/unit for Tox
$600/Syringe of Dermal Filler
$169/Thread for Barbed Threads
$15/Thread for Smooth Threads
$400/Month for Semaglutide for 1st 3 Months