B-Complex & B-12 Shots in Cypress, TX


Recharge Your Body and Mind

Feeling sluggish, like you can’t quite catch up to your ever-growing to-do list? Do you crave more energy to tackle your day, hit the gym with renewed vigor, or simply enjoy quality time with loved ones? Here at LIT & Aesthetics, we understand the importance of feeling your best. That’s why we offer convenient and effective Vitamin B-12 in Cypress and B-Complex shots to help you achieve your optimal energy levels and overall well-being.

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What is Vitamin B-12?

Vitamin B-12, also known as cobalamin, is a vital nutrient that acts as the engine room of your cells. It fuels your body’s energy production, keeps your red blood cells healthy for oxygen transport, and ensures your nervous system functions optimally. B-12 is also crucial for DNA synthesis and cellular metabolism, the processes that keep your body running smoothly. When B-12 levels drop, you might experience fatigue, low mood, difficulty concentrating, and even disruptions in your weight management efforts.

How Can B-12 Shots Help You

B-12 shots offer a safe and effective way to replenish B-12 stores and experience a range of potential benefits.

  • Increased Energy Levels: B-12 deficiency is a common cause of fatigue and tiredness. B-12 shots can help replenish B-12 stores and support your body’s natural energy production, leaving you feeling revitalized and ready to take on the day.
  • Improved Mood and Cognitive Function: B-12 is crucial for the production of neurotransmitters, which regulate mood, memory, and concentration. B-12 shots may help improve mood, reduce symptoms of depression, and enhance cognitive function, allowing you to think sharper and focus with greater clarity.
  • Weight Management Support: While not a magic bullet for weight loss, B-12 deficiency can sometimes hinder metabolism. B-12 shots may help support a healthy metabolism by optimizing energy production and nutrient utilization. However, it’s important to combine B-12 injections with a balanced diet and regular exercise for effective weight management.
  • Detoxification Support: B-12 plays a role in liver function, which is essential for detoxification. B-12 shots may help support your body’s natural detoxification processes, promoting overall well-being.
  • Improved Overall Health and Wellbeing: B-12 is vital for maintaining a healthy nervous system, immune system, and cellular function. By ensuring adequate B-12 levels, you can support your overall health and well-being, potentially reducing your risk of chronic health conditions.

Single Shot: $25 per injection

Package of 6 Shots: $20 per shot

B-12 & Weight Loss Surgeries - Know the Impact

Vitamin B-12 injections are crucial for individuals who have undergone weight loss surgeries, such as gastric sleeve or gastric bypass. These procedures significantly alter the stomach’s structure and the body’s ability to break down and absorb nutrients, particularly affecting the production of a special protein known as intrinsic factor. This protein is vital for the absorption of Vitamin B-12, which is essential for producing red blood cells. Without sufficient B-12, patients are at risk of developing anemia and other health issues related to B-12 deficiency. Ensuring regular administration of intramuscular vitamin B-12 injections after weight loss surgeries is key to preventing these potential complications. Starting B-12 supplementation immediately after weight loss surgery can help maintain optimal health and recovery. If you’ve had such a procedure, consider integrating B-12 shots into your post-operative care plan to support your overall wellness.

Who Can Benefit from B-12 Shots?

B-12 shots can be a valuable addition to your wellness routine if you experience any of the following:

  • Chronic Fatigue or Low Energy Levels: Do you constantly feel tired, even after a good night’s sleep? B-12 deficiency can be a significant contributor to fatigue. B-12 shots may help boost your energy levels and improve your overall quality of life.
  • Difficulty Concentrating or Brain Fog: B-12 is essential for cognitive function. If you struggle with focus,memory, or experience brain fog, B-12 shots may help improve your cognitive performance.
  • Vegetarian or Vegan Diet: Vitamin B-12 is naturally found in animal products. Individuals following a vegetarian or vegan diet may be at risk of B-12 deficiency. B-12 shots can help ensure you get the B-12 your body needs to function optimally.
  • History of Weight Loss Surgery: Weight loss surgery can sometimes decrease B-12 absorption. B-12 shots can help replenish B-12 stores and support overall health after weight loss surgery.

At LIT & Aesthetics, we understand the value of your time. That’s why we offer quick and convenient B-12 shot appointments in a comfortable and professional setting. Our B-12 shots in Cypress, TX are administered by qualified medical professionals using sterile techniques to ensure safety and effectiveness.

Boost Your Wellness with B-Complex Injections

At LIT & Aesthetics, we understand that maintaining optimal health involves more than just one nutrient, which is why we offer comprehensive B-Complex injections in Cypress, TX. These injections are a potent formula of essential B vitamins that play a vital role in various body functions, enhancing both physical health and mental well-being.

What are B-Complex Injections?

B-Complex injections include a blend of key B vitamins such as B1 (Thiamine), B2 (Riboflavin), B3 (Niacin), B5 (Pantothenic Acid), B6 (Pyridoxine), and B7 (Biotin). These vitamins collectively support energy levels, brain function, metabolism, and overall health:

  • Energy Boost: Helps convert food into energy, ideal for those experiencing fatigue or sluggishness.
  • Mood Enhancement: Aids in the production of mood-regulating neurotransmitters.
  • Cognitive Support: Essential for maintaining sharp mental function and memory.
  • Metabolic Aid: Enhances the metabolism of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates.
  • Immune Strengthening: Bolsters the immune system’s defense mechanisms.
  • Skin and Hair Health: Promotes healthier skin and hair, enhancing your natural beauty.

B-12 Injection FAQs

The frequency of B-12 injections depends on your individual needs and B-12 levels. We recommend consulting with a professional at LIT & Aesthetics to determine the optimal injection schedule for you. Typically, B-12 injections are given weekly or monthly for several weeks to replenish stores, followed by maintenance injections every few months.

Many people experience increased energy levels and improved mood after B-12 injections. You might also feel sharper mentally and less fatigued. However, results can vary depending on your individual B-12 deficiency level.


Some people experience a boost in energy within a few days of receiving a B-12 injection. However, for optimal results, it may take several injections to replenish B-12 stores and experience the full range of benefits.

B-12 itself isn't a magic bullet for weight loss. However, B-12 deficiency can sometimes hinder metabolism. By ensuring adequate B-12 levels, B-12 injections may play a supportive role in weight management when combined with a healthy diet and exercise routine.

Yes, B-12 injections are a common treatment for fatigue caused by B-12 deficiency. B-12 is essential for energy production, so replenishing B-12 stores can significantly improve your energy levels.

B-12 injections can be administered at any time of day. However, some people prefer mornings to avoid potential sleep disruptions if they experience an energy boost after the injection. 

B-12 injections are generally safe for most people. However, individuals with allergies to cobalamin or other components of the injection should not receive them. It's important to disclose any allergies or pre-existing medical conditions during your consultation at LIT & Aesthetics.

Invest in Your Health and Well-being

Ready to experience the revitalizing benefits of B-12 & B-Complex injections in Cypress, TX? Contact LIT & Aesthetics, to schedule your appointment today.

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$10/unit for Tox
$600/Syringe of Dermal Filler
$169/Thread for Barbed Threads
$15/Thread for Smooth Threads
$400/Month for Semaglutide for 1st 3 Months